Here it is kids, my weekend, in fabric form. Sorry I've been so stingy with the words lately, I blame it on 1) my laziness and 2) listening to This American Life whilst doing all photo editing/blog type activities.

During the piecing process. This part went surprisingly fast, I think all in all it took about 5 hours to do all cutting, sewing, etc. involved in piecing.

What REALLY took all the time was the quilting. Why on earth did I decide to do it like this? Sheer stupidity, I think, is the only answer. Never have I changed so many bobbins in one project. Blech.

I sewed the binding on in a few sittings. I really enjoy doing the binding more than anything else really. It pulls everything together so nicely, and makes the whole thing seem real, which is nice, after you've seen it looking like a stringy mess for so long.

How many pictures are necessary? Not this many.
oh my gosh. that is the awesomest quilt! did you come up with the idea for it?
I can see why that quilting would have taken forever, but it looks amazing!
the quilting is the best part!
That quilt is absolutely amazing! I love how you quilted it together:)
seriously, you may want to hide that quilt, because I know where you live lady! Wins my favorite quilt award, and I agree the crazy quilting is the best part!
I have to ask as well is this a premade pattern or one you made yourself? Either way do tell I would LOVE to try it myself (minus the way you quilted it because I would shoot myself before I finished *smile*)
Oooo. It's cool. (most quilts aren't cool- but that one is!)
Not that quilts aren't lovely- I just wouldn't call them COOL.
That quilt is spectacular!
How beautiful! It's absolutely perfect!
I love the colors you chose. The stitching totally makes the quilt, though. Thanks for all the photos.
Oh. that. is. FABULOUS!
What a great quilt! I LOVE the stitched look, kinda crazy. But I hear ya on the bobbins. I hate changing bobbins!
quilt rocks... especially the quilting!!!!....I'm gonna do that too soon...oh how nice to be so totally free and wonky about it. That was soooo worth it...thanks for the inspiration and love your cat noseprints too!! ( I have 4 felines)
I LOVE that crazy quilting! I MUST TRY IT!!! Looks fab!
Love this quilt! Thanks for sharing!
Got here via shim + sons. Fun to find a blogger from KC. Fabulous quilt. Great color choice. The quilting looks awesome and definitely "makes it."
I love the way you did the quilting. I have never thought of doing it that way but now I will *have* to!
Holy moly! I LOVE that quilt! I have the Bento Box pattern and have been collecting Amy Butler fabrics for months to use. Now I'm really itching to get started. FABULOUS!!
wow. that. quilt. is. amazing.
I've only just found this... it's so beautiful!!
Wow! I'm inspired.
It is so wonderful! I love the quilting so much.
i am always so scared to work with plain fabrics! you make it look so easy. fabulous colour choices,and the quilting... so fresh!!!
i love,love,love it!
Love it in the bold colors. Love the crazy stitch. I see this pattern around a lot, is it just a well known pattern, or is there an actual pattern?
Just gorgeous... Good job... You deserve a medal for all that quilting!!Lx
Just gorgeous... Good job... You deserve a medal for all that quilting!!Lx
Gorgeous quilt! I adore your blog banner too, it's so pretty.
I love everything about this quilt - especially the warm colors & the quilting is fantastic!!
ARe you willing to share your method of quilting this? it is so pretty , modern, and unique.
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