When I was in elementary school, I became mildly obsessed with figure skating. Katarina Vitt skated a Robin Hood-themed program that burned itself into my 11-year old brain, and led to months of my friend Melissa and I wearing pantyhose over our sneakers during indoor recess and "skating" on the basketball court. But then, I went to a friends birthday party at the ice skating rink, and the dream died a cold, cruel death. I have weak ankles and devastatingly poor gross motor skills, and spent most of the party pulling myself along the wall. Another girl, who was tall and blonde and already a basketball star, was declared "a natural" and by the end of the day was skating backwards effortlessly. I decided to stick to violin and drawing.

That said, I never dreamed of being an Olympian. It was clear that athletic greatness was never in the cards, but it was a DELIGHTFUL surprise to be informed yesterday that the
Overdue Book Calendar has been shortlisted in RikRak Studio's 2011 Handmade Olympics. It is in the "handmade goodie with an innovative design" category, and was put on the shortlist by Jaime Derringer, founder & editor of
design milk, which just gives me warm fuzzies. Anyway, The Handmade Olympics is a pretty cool contest, so
check it out, and if you wouldn't mind, maybe
give me a vote? The prizes are really pretty sweet!

In other "making" news, I have listed a bunch more Vintage Sheet Shoppers in
ye olde etsy- I love making these because they combine my love of vintage fabrics with the added bonus of recycling and avoiding using more plastic or paper bags, plus they are SUPER SOFT and fun to sew.

Please note my ridiculous bag-holding-self-portraits, in which I look seriously into the distance while doing various silly things with my grandma-hands. While taking these yesterday, I couldn't resist incorporating one other prop that is frequently found in the craft room, so please enjoy these Baxter Spencer Hunt product photos as well.

And, PSA of the day, from my accountant to me to you- get one of those little mileage tracking books and be DILIGENT about tracking your business mileage, it can TOTALLY make a difference when doing your taxes. Now, if you could only deduct the time spent in line at the post office...