Oh, my. I need to introduce you to the newest (unnamed) member of our little family, whom I will refer to as "the beloved viking" or, for brevity's sake, TBV. Isn't he lovely? I think it's a him, but I don't really know, the one thing that I wasn't taught was how to check the machine's gender. Anyway, all silliness aside, here is the new machine, all shiny and nearly new and AMAZING, and sold to me by the nicest people on th planet, one of whom happens to be my Aunt. Which, speaking of aunts, does anyone want to know about why I named my blog Aunt June? Well, it doesn't really matter, because as long as you continue reading, that is what you will find out. When I was in college I had to do a boutique branding project in a design class, and my fictional boutique was called Aunt June, and so when I opened my etsy store, I planned n using all the pre-done design for the store, which I never ended up doing (lazy), and writing little bits of wisdom from my fictional Aunt June on the tags that would go out with my items, which I also never did (double lazy). But the Aunt June character was to be the fictional aunt who teaches everyone to sew, which is rather funny to me now, because at this stage in the game, I realize that I have a REAL Aunt, who, if we did not live 2 hours apart, would totally have been the person who taught me to sew. Har. It's funny to me anyway. But my real Aunt Barb, who is an awesome quilter, and was sweet enough to teach me how to use the new machine and give me a ton of her fancy sewing swag, doesn't chain-smoke and curse like the fictional aunt. Anyway, pretty lame explanation, huh? This is why I don't normally do the words part of blogging.
By the way, I absolutely LOVED the tales of sewing mayhem that everyone posted based on my last post. I so want to make a comic or a zine of all the terrible sewing mishaps people have had, all the silly crafting injuries that only other craft people really get. I want to do it, see, but come on, you know the story by now. Triple lazy.
I will leave you with photos of the first quilt to be started on TBV, hopefully soon to be for sale online, tentatively called the "Big Stair" quilt. Better name? Anyone?