All right, I'm jumping on the blog Pay-It-Forward bandwagon, which I hope is in no way affiliated with that horrid movie. And, I'm sorry if you liked that movie. Haley Joel tends to make me puke in my mouth a little, as does the song "Calling All Angels". Anyway, what I was trying to say, is that yesterday I signed up to be a recipient of the whole Pay-It-Forward-Thing on Angie's blog, and so today I offer my services up to you, blog-reader people. If you're there, that is. So the first three people who comment and want to join in and get some handmade something from me in a somewhat-but-not-very timely manner, will get something. How many times can I use something in a sentence? And then they, in turn, will be expected to PIF as well. SO. Far more text than I am used to dealing with, right off the bat, but there it is!

Hey, I'd love to play along. How exactly does this work?
Really? Can I play even if I'm just de-lurking today?
I'd love to play. How does it work?
I forgot to say that I don't have a blog. :( Maybe you should skip to the fourth person who comments. Sounds fun though.
OH man! That Hammerpress boot is to die for! I may need to get one for the girls room. (oh, and the lamp rocks!)
I forgot to say that I have actually done a pay it forward on my blog, but I would be totally willing to go round 2 and send out more goodies! If that doesn't fit your vision of PIF, please skip me over for another commenter; I will not be offended!
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