Really, I should have titled it this post "I have nothing to say, but insist on saying something anyway". It is one of the most common scenarios I see played out in the classroom. Most times, it's as though the child had no idea their hand was raised until we call on them. Then, a puzzled look, a moment of stammering, and a totally random bit of information. So, here, I offer up the blog-post equivalent.

"This is the inside of my shower! See? I take showers in here. I like the curtain. Ok?"

"This is my sewing chair with a vintage tablecloth I am going to cut up on it. I put it there, to take a picture. I don't keep tablecloths as cushions. Did you see that show last night?"

"I washed the quilt, and it got all puckery. I like it better, it has dimples and texture and feels very REAL."

"I made a muslin of a shirt that fit so poorly this is the only part I like, and therefor the only part I will show. Pintucks, much more fun than I would have thought."

"Uhmmm.... Uhm. I forgot."
omg, the quilt. and the bathroom moulding. ::drool::
That chair is going to be awesome one you cover it. We totally need to get together soon!
This post totally put a smile on my face. Sometimes blogging for the sake of blogging is the best:)
That quilt looks so wonderful after being washed. So cozy...
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