I'm a little overwhelmed really. For a few reasons, but mainly because of the response I have gotten from the Bento Box quilt. Lately it has been referenced on the Sew Mama Sew blog, Malka's amazing A Stitch in Dye and (sharp intake of breath), Shim+Sons . All of this is crazy, because these people are pretty much some of my big crafting heroes, and they linked to little old me. I hyperventilated a little, and the husband told me to calm down, and reminded me that because he helped pick the quilt colors, (a 45-minute Hancock's fiasco), he is largely responsible for the success of the quilt. Anyway, thank you to everyone who has taken a look or commented, it means a lot to me, and I appreciate your interest!

This weekend was pretty much consumed with running around for various reasons, but Sunday afternoon I had some time to spare, so I worked on these, my latest WIP. They will be patchwork scarves, hopefully sometime soon. These little boogers are time consuming, though, mostly because I decided I needed patchwork on BOTH sides, silly, silly, idea.

One thing I have learned from blogging is that I am awful at writing conclusions. And so I think I will stop trying, and simply end by dramatically saying:

(And a picture of my cat. Because, you know, I really like the cat, and assume everyone else must, too. See? Bad at concluding.)

Love your concluding photo! *smile* and congrats on the attention you deserve it the quilt is amazing!
Oh, you're blog is just what I needed to stumble upon. Found it from the Shim + Sons post. Love the crafts and the wit.
Congratulations on all the links, the bento quilt is really awesome and you did a wonderful job. I never would have survived all the bobbin changes, there's just something about changing the bobbin that irriates me to no end. Don't ask why.
ps. love the patchwork scarves, I'm gearing upt work on some for the littles. You know, because small children wear scarves so much.
When I was in high school and on the school newspaper, they taught us that we didn't have to conclude our stories. When we were done relating the relative facts we could just stop writing. No need to wrap things up. Works for me.
Man, I knew the minute you posted pictures of the fabric choices that quilt was going to rock! Please tell me it lives on your cool new sofa.
I love your conclusion with 2 photos of your adorable kitty! :)
Hi-I just found your blog while over at "Sew Mama Sew" and wanted to let you know: 1) That I was here; 2) Kitty Noseprint Phenomena is all over my house, too!; 3) I love love LOVE "THE" quilt! Gorgeous!
I LOVE the cat photos! Your cat photos turn out so well!! All of mine are fuzzy! I just made my very own blog-you're welcome to come take a look although there's not much to look at yet!
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