-This place. Because they are teaching me how to speak Turkish for free, and they always have tea and awesome food.
-My internet girlfriend. Who, I swear, I am writing a letter to. And an email before that. Me = bad at correspondence.
-eMusic, and the husband who looks for great music so I don't have to.
-Books. Which ones? I can't remember. All of them? Wait, that's not true. Mitch Album exists. ZIIIIIIIIINNNNG! (So sad when you have to narrate your own zings.)
-The phrase, "We are long tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs." Spoken by a co-worker, and so, so true.
-Anyone who might still read this lame and ludicrously self-indulgent blog.
-Of course, the children. (Pathetic, yes, well aware.)

-There were more but I forgot. Sorry, if you are something I love that I forgot to mention.