Ah! Ok, so I have been working on this project (read: procrastinating) for quite some time, and I am really really really really happy to have it done and out in the world. Reading is great, right? I am assuming everyone here knows how, because, well, yeah.

So literacy, and three cheers for it, and all that, but books are Expensive, and so we need libraries. As some of you may know, I am deeply enamored with a certain
Canadian(a) book blogger, and happened to one day wonder how she managed to borrow so many books without dying of late fees. Because, I, my friends, am plagued by late fees. My husband worked for the KC Public Library for 5 years, and as an employee had a get-out-of-late-fees-free-card, but I still managed to accumulate some $50 worth of fees, despite the fact that he checked out most of my books for me. Which is to say that if I TOUCH a library book, I automatically will owe at least $1 for it eventually.

So, I thought, what would make it easier to keep track of these things? And THUS was BORN the 2010 Overdue Book Calendar! Fanfare! Shouting! Bored Silence! You pick! In any case, it is a GREAT last minute gift for any readers on your list, and since it is sold as a PDF it comes QUCK and you can print as many as you want for all those random aunts you never remember are going to be there. Here you are, Aunt Lillian! Oh, you can't read? Well, it is still pretty! Enjoy!
It has books, you see!?! And you label them, with the books that you check out! And then you write in the due date, and you circle it, and it is PRETTY! And you can KEEP it, to prove to people that you can read!

I feel pretty dorky to be so excited about this kind of silly little project, but I do love the way the final product came out, despite all the gnashing of teeth that comes with any extended bout of Photoshop editing. Our computer loves to freeze, my friends, but only when you've just gone 45 minutes without saving your changes

If you are interested, they are EEEEN the etsy shop, for a measly $4 for as many as you can print. You will get instructions to download the PDF emailed to you within 24 hours of the order being made. I had mine printed at a color copy place, but that's just because I like their fancy paper. ENJOY! and GOODNIGHT!