Ok, so, I feel the need to explain my day on Wednesday: furious amounts of last minute gift-makery, endless burning with irons, the need to photograph at least SOME of the presents before they disappear into small sticky hands, packing, wrapping, general mayhem.
No blog-checking. Google Reader, you were neglected. How foolish I was. But.
I got home today, and was finally checking the backlog and.
Holy Poo.
Holy Moly.
Holy Moly Poo.
Everyone is going to hate me now, but I won a camera from the
Did I mention extremely generous?
And, pretty much, I am still hyperventilating. Thank you, Ree! I can't even think of things to say! Especially not smart or interesting or funny things! In fact, at this point, I am still dizzy!
And have I mentioned that the camera is not just any camera. It's a
NIKON D2x?!?!?!
You are all free to hate me now. I hate me a little bit now. But I think I will eventually get over it. It is troublesome hating the person you live in a head with.
Did that make sense? No. But neither do I right now.
Thank you, Ree!
( and I hope this doesn't seem gloaty! I really, really, don't want to seem gloaty, because I hate gloaty, but when someone gives you the awesomest random-prize-winning-draw of your life, or ever, you feel the need to mention it. At least. Ree rocks. Ree can come over to my house, any time she wants, and put manure covered feet on any of my furniture. Not that your feet are covered with manure. I don't think they are. But if they were, you could do it anyway. I have sponges. Somewhere.)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Rice Bags, Fabric Strips, Etc.

So, yesterday I got the idea into my head to make some rice bags, because, you know, it isn't like I don't ALREADY have 14 holiday craft projects to complete, and everything else to wrap, and, oh wait, I said I would screenprint our Christmas cards? Yeah. So, I decided to make some, because I was chilly, and it seemed easy, and there are always those people who you
a) don't know what to buy for
b) didn't know they were going to give you a present and so had nothing for them, or
c) need to give one more thing to, in order to justify not spending enough money on them.
So, essentially, these are the B team of presents. Not to say those who recieve them are B-teamers! You're fabulous, you to-be-determined folks, you! But these presents are not that difficult, but rather functional. I followed the instructions found here, and made two different kinds.

Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Equals Bad Blogger.

However, when I cut the strips for these things, I thought that I would love making them SO MUCH that I cut TWO piles of rainbow fabrics. One pile has been sewn together, but you, my lucky friend, can have the other, if you want. And these are looong stips two, cut from one selvedge to the other. All you have to do is leave me a comment that says what your most ill-fated gift-craft experience was. I will cackle at these, and then draw a winner who will inherit from me the hell that is crayon rolls. Sound good? No? I haven't made it seem appealing? Mneh.
In other news, I continue to take way too many pictures of my cat, and post them indiscriminately on my blog. Here you are, Gratuitous Baxter Photographs, known from now on as GBP's.(I should mention, so no one suspects me of favoritism, that Rufus is very cute to. But he is much harder to photograph, and also doesn't pose as much, and I am lazy.)

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Fabric Lust.

I have been waiting for Erin Michael's new fabric line, "Lush" to be available for MONTHS, ever since it was mentioned over at True Up. So I can't WAIT to get my hands on some, but it would be bad to buy some right in the middle of the time of year when we should be thinking of others more than ourselves... Right? Do I sound convinced yet? IS there seriously anything better than paint by number fabric? Or, better yet, paint by number palette fabric? I think not. At least, as far as fabrics go.
And now that I'm snooping around the Moda site to scavenge some screen-shots, I can't wait until "Hello Betty" comes out, and "Arcadia", and "Neptune"! I usually think of Moda as a slightly more conservative company when it comes to pattern, but it looks like next year they're really putting some fabulously modern stuff out.
Also, thank you everyone for your overwhelming response to my little video! I was kind of worried, having never even put a picture of my FACE on here, to have a whole little video of me being semi-ridiculous, but I decided to get over it. I hope it was more helpful than confusing!
(Images screenshotted from Tula Pink. I hope that's ok. If not, I sorry!)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How I Quilt Quilts.
How I Quilt. from lauren hunt on Vimeo
My favorite part about this video is when I have to make an L with my left hand, and you can see me trying to figure out right from left. Because, yes, I am that classy.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
One of THOSE Posts.
Monday, November 24, 2008
My New Best Friend.

It's garden gloves. The garden gloves I bought to pull down sheetrock with are my new best friend when quilting. Three dollars, and they have changed my entire life. Seriously. Get some garden gloves.

Friday, November 14, 2008
More Stuff.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Orange, Green, and Gray Quilt.

Sorry these are not good photos, but in my defense, the light here lately has been lame. Today was much better, but I didn't think to re-shoot these terrible photos I took on Sunday. This quilt is just a simple tie- quilt, made to rest on the back of our couch, and on top of people. It seems, however, that it most commonly resides wadded up, under the four-legged members of the household. What can I say. If I was a better person, I would iron it to take photos, but, I am not.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Scarf Day

Well. I'm glad I'm not the only person with woodland creatures living in my head. Should we start a support group, do you think? Moving on, today is scarf day. We have a lot of scarves here in the Hunt household. I'm guessing, and this is conservative, that we own approximately 12 home made scarves. I wear different scarves the way that most people wear different shoes, which is good that something is varied, because, I am lazy and I wear the same nasty shoes everyday. Anyway, another reason we have such a surplus of scarves is because when I started sewing, they were the first thing I made that anyone liked. Not that people didn't PRETEND to like the other things I made, but, honestly, it was pretty obvious. Anyway, I had put aside my scarfmaking for a few years, but the weather has been miserable lately, and so I have started sewing up some new scarves. Not to everyone's liking, but extremely soft and warm! So, this is the first of several I'll be posting on etsy in the next few days, hope you guys like them!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Chalkboards and Wool Coats.

I apologize if I have nothing very Halloweeny to share today, I was a bit lame this year and didn't do anything special except order pizza and buy candy for the holiday. I did spend several hours yesterday getting paid to... draw on a chalkboard? It was for a photo shoot for my former boss, and it was quite fun.

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