I'm a little overwhelmed really. For a few reasons, but mainly because of the response I have gotten from the Bento Box quilt. Lately it has been referenced on the
Sew Mama Sew blog, Malka's amazing
A Stitch in Dye and (sharp intake of breath),
Shim+Sons . All of this is crazy, because these people are pretty much some of my big crafting heroes, and they linked to little old me. I hyperventilated a little, and the husband told me to calm down, and reminded me that because he helped pick the quilt colors, (a 45-minute Hancock's fiasco), he is largely responsible for the success of the quilt. Anyway, thank you to everyone who has taken a look or commented, it means a lot to me, and I appreciate your interest!

This weekend was pretty much consumed with running around for various reasons, but Sunday afternoon I had some time to spare, so I worked on these, my latest WIP. They will be patchwork scarves, hopefully sometime soon. These little boogers are time consuming, though, mostly because I decided I needed patchwork on BOTH sides, silly, silly, idea.

I also had a chance to go pick up some pumpkins at my favorite price chopper. I bought the Martha Stewart Holiday Halloween issue last week, so I have been thinking a lot about decorations, even though Halloween isn't really a big-deal holiday for me.

I'm dying to make the turnip-lantern-light things, just as soon as I can find turnips big enough. I also picked up a few ingredients and made these really simple pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese icing.

Pretty good, and pretty hard to mess up.
One thing I have learned from blogging is that I am awful at writing conclusions. And so I think I will stop trying, and simply end by dramatically saying:

(And a picture of my cat. Because, you know, I really like the cat, and assume everyone else must, too. See? Bad at concluding.)