First of all, I need to tell you that Rufus got free treats for this. I think the police of the internet require me to say that? But before you go thinking I have sold my soul to the product-review devil, I want to say that I would never recommend a company that I didn't think made a high quality product, and I love the fact that these guys are local and so mindful of the ingredients they use, and they REALLY love dogs. Also I should mention that I can now see just how badly my dog needs a haircut. We have clearly gone far beyond his normal level of hobo-dog-ness. His grandma has already volunteered to give him a Christmastime haircut.
I thought about writing this post from Rufus's perspective, but then I realized that would get SO schticky, so fast, so I am going to continue to be me, and try my best to convey to you all of Rufus's innermost thoughts and feelings, because, yeah, he has those?
H'Anyways, the wonderful folks at
Three Dog Bakery sent us three of their holiday- themed treats for reviewing. (I want to mention that my lame-o product shots were taken after we had already consumed half the treats, which is why they look a little empty.)

First up was the
Begg Nog Squares, which smelled REALLY great. Like, really great. Like, you probably would have tried one too. I did. I know that this is supposed to be Rufus's deal, but in my opinion, it was pretty good for a dog treat. BY FAR the best dog treat I have ever eaten, anyways.

Rufus liked them too, as you can see. His review was "chomp chomp chomp", and I quote.

Next we tried the
Snickerdoodle Mini Biscuits, which are a really good size for smaller dogs like Rufus. I have no "dog eating" shots, because it was pretty much impossible to get a picture of them disappearing into his mouth after being thrown. But maybe these photos will tell you how Rufus really felt about them.

(The TONGUE! THE LITTLE DOG TONGUE! I love it, even if no one else does.)

Finally we broke open the big jar of
Classic Wafers, in the holiday flavors of Cranberry and Banana Nut. These, I think, were his favorites, based on the amount of irritability when he was being forced to wait to get one. (It took a long time to take photos, people.

It was a lot of sad puppy whining, and me telling him, "I'm metering!" It was sad.) I only got photos of him eating a Cranberry, but he enjoyed the Banana-Nut just as much.
So, in the end, all of the treats definitely got the doggy-seal of approval, and they get my vote because they smell nothing like the fake-meat treats that are probably made of plastic. We also shared some of the treats with Jacquie, whose pup Bruno

(remember him?) apparently got quite fond of these treats, camping out in front of the treat jar so often that she finally had to hide them somewhere else. I'd say that's a win, review-wise.
Oh, and did I mention there is a GIVEAWAY????

How would you like one of these, for your dog friend, for the dog-friend-having-person in your life? You would? Well of course you would, it is delightful and free! Leave a comment and tell me what your dog's dream-biscuit flavor would be, and I will randomly draw a name to weeeeen zeeeeeeeee priiiiiize! I'll pick on Sunday, so enter before then, or you will be sad. And, if you're not the gamblin' sort, Three Dog Bakery has given me a coupon code, so's you can get your dog-treat fix on the cheap. Just use the code MyAuntJune (no spaces) for free shipping on orders of $35 or more. The coupon expires 12/31/10.
PS: Baxter wanted me to mention that he would be MORE THAN HAPPY to accept corporate sponsorship, especially if it is a company that only makes turkey cold cuts. Baxter would sell his soul for some turkey cold cuts.
Fabulous prize box includes:
-Classic Cremes-Carob Cookies with Natural Peanut Butter Filling - 16 oz
Description: Carob sandwhich cookies filled with natural peanut butter filling. Carob and peanut butter belong together like dogs and tummy rubs.
-Classic Cremes-Golden Cookies with Natural Vanilla Flavor Filling - 16 oz
Description: Golden sandwhich cookies filled with vanilla filling. You'll be asking yourself, "Are these really for dogs?"
-Oven Bake Dog Biscuits Apples & Oatmeal - 16 oz
Description: All natural Apples and Oatmeal oven baked into a crunchy, dog-drooling biscuit!
-Roll-Over Rewards Apples & Oatmeal Dog Treats - 16 oz
Description: All natural apples and oatmeal baked to a cookie perfection. Its mini-size is ideal for puppies, little dogs and training treats.
-Gracie's Gourmet Entree for Dogs - Chicken, Carrots, Green Beans & Rice Recipe - 12oz
Description: We brought food from the dinner table to your dog with our all natural dog food Entrees. Packed full of succulent carrots, green beans and broccoli, as well as luscious chicken that’s been slow cooked – the result is the best gourmet dog food that leaves them licking their chops with satisfaction.
-All Natural Rawhide Braid - 6" Vanilla - 2
Description: 6" all natural rawhide dipped in vanilla flavoring.
-Aussie Pet Naturals Jute Rope Toy- The Perfect Eco Friendly Toy
· 100% Vegetable Fiber
· Strong and Durable Jute Rope
· 100% Biodegradable and Recyclable
· Environmentally Friendly
· Help Sustain the Planet’s Resources
· Inspired and Designed in Australia
-Amazing Gracie: A Dog's Tale (Paperback)
She was the loneliest pup in the litter--a deaf and partially blind albino Great Dane. She had huge sky blue eyes. And when Day Dye reached for her, she struggled to her feet like a clumsy foal, raised her forehead to his, and announced, as clearly as if she had actually spoken words, You know I'm the one. Now get me outta here!
Free stuff! Hoo-ha!