I am awful at doing things on a deadline, so I consistently fail to do posts that relate to holidays. I apologize for this now, and wish you a late and pre-emptive Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Valentine's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. ENJOY! I think there might be other holidays, but if I can't remember them, how pressing can they really be? Anyway, now I have exposed myself for the curmudgeon that I am, and I have nothing much else to say. Or, I do, but it is a bunch of long stories, and I am too lazy to type them all out right now, but here are some pictures I took? You are being photodumpedupon.

Brian made fried chicken, and I have been sewing, and Baxter has been sitting on things, and Rufus has gotten much better at posing for pictures. To tell you the truth, blogfriends, I am having a bit of trouble getting back on the proverbial horse. And it isn't like I fell off of it, it's just that at some point after my last dismount, my head got stuck in a puddle of Januaryness, which has never seemed Exciting and New to me as much as it feels Cold and Long. Also, the backlog of things I have done but haven't shown you? It is long, and exhausting to think about, and then I consider all the work I still have in front of me, and, Ugh. January. Apologies for what a bummer this post is... anyone want to skip out and hit Australia with me?
oooo... you should totally come hit Australia!! :) Weather is pretty good at the moment :)
You forgot one holiday. Here is what my 6-year-old said about it 2 days ago: "Mom, what's the name of that one clover day?" Me: "What?" Him:"You know, that day that you have to wear green or you'll get pinched."
I have had the hardest time blogging for oh the past 6 months. I want to really badly I just cannot find my "words" I had high hopes for the New Year but I have posted once so far. I was hoping for at least every other day if not more ugh!
You photos are always something I look forward to checking out each time you post. They tell such a wonderful story full of love, craft and life!
You have described January perfectly..... Australia sounds good... I would settle for a stretch of beach on the warm in comparison to Michigan Gulf Coast! And why is it that cats always sit right where you need to be?
Happy everything to you too! A week in the sunshine sounds wonderful. At least we are over the hump...the days are getting a little longer every day now.
Hi! Happy Everything to you too, fellow Kansas Citian. And I agree, January is so blergh. At least you have homemade fried chicken. Lucky.
I am ready - when do we leave?!
totally get it...
ah - blah - January - blech.
The perfect blog entry !! Photos of fried chicken , beautiful animals and your stash .
Who needs more ? ( Though more is always welcome! )
I love all the vocabulary in your blog! You have such a way with words that describes things exactly. So I don't mind getting photodumpedon and I hear you on Januaryness (where the heck has that word been all my life????).
x aneela
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