Wow. I don't even know what to say here- I was just ging through my google reader, la-de-da, and then
thereisapictureofmyhouseandmyfabricandohmylordwhatblogisthisit'sFRICKENDECOR8! WHAT?! WHAT??!??!?

Now, I swear I'm not going to get all Oscar-speechy, but I just want to thank everyone who reads this thing, end everyone who comments, and everyone who has bought something, and everything who has considered buying something, and everyone who likes QT iced tea as much as I do. You all make me SO happy. At this point last year, I was just starting to dip my toes in the fabric-design-serious-about-Etsy waters, and now... Well, the feedback I have gotten from people has blown my mind. I mean, I always knew that
I thought I was making good stuff, (me = egomaniac, but only Tuesday-Thursday), but it's the most amazing thing to have other people like what I'm doing. So, thanks, all of you, even if you're just stopping by. You've made my day, and my year, and my decade. Uhm, maybe not that last one. But you're still awesome. Wanna come over? We just got a barbecue grill. And you can use the bathroom, but the sink water in there smells. Just a warning.
Oh, and also,
Jessica and I are the same person. Who knew?
congrats! your products are truly awesome.
You are so funny :)
Woo HOO!! Great for you!! I sent your site to Layla at The Lettered Cottage. I hope that she buys some of your boat fabric from would look so great with her nautical style decorating.
P.S. You crack me up!
Congratulations lady! It seems like everywhere I look Aunt June is popping up. Celebrity!
I KNOW!!! I can say I knew you when, huh?! Congrats, you totally deserve all the positive press you get!
Congratz!! So happy for you! I found you from etsy and i truely love your designs! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
Big stuff going on with you! Awesome! Loved your feature on Etsy, it was fun to read. Did you know Dianne Gabaldon is coming to KC via Rainy Day books?
I love your blog, you have a wonderfully funny way of writing that I love to read! I subscribe to decor8 and was thrilled to see you featured! You deserve it, yay!
Very cool, congrats!
*Hugs* love what you do. Gratz on all the great places your being seen!
Wow! That's awesome.
What wonderful news!!! You certainly deserve it.
Holy cow! How did you become such a rock star?!
Seriously... I think we may be the same person. Only your violin has to be way cooler than mine.
That is fantastic news! You are doing great!
Wow, congrats! It always feels good to get some recognition, and I love seeing other people get it too :)
ahh!! That's awesome! congrats!
Lauren, where ya been? sewing like crazy I presume. Well, just wanted to let ya know I always look forward to your posts! have a great day!
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