Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Alphabetized and Organized and Spectrally Ordinated.

You guys are nice. Thank you so much for all of your comments and encouragement and support, because, really? I wouldn't have the opportunity to do this if it wasn't for you. It's cheesy and sappy to say, but this ACTUALLY would not be possible without you, and some of you very directly. So, mwah! Mwah! (That's air kisses.) You're the best-- so thank you for enduring my rants and ridiculousness and thousands of cat photos.
AAAAAnyway, I am working on So. Much. Stuff. right now, and I'm really happy to finally be able to share some of my labor-fruit. I mentioned that the etsy shop is going to be shifting gears since I'll no longer be selling fabric yardage, and this stuff is the beginning of that... Introducing "The Happy Alphabet"!
So, the alphabet. It's handy, no? And rainbows, I love them dearly. And a sprinkling of teeny-tiny patterns, well, all the better as far as I'm concerned. Right now I have all of these prints listed in 8 x 10, but I will be selling them in 11 x 17 and 13 x 19 as well. I think they'd be LOVELY in a nursery or kids' room, but I think they would fit in a lot of different places, ya know?

There are both "Rainbow Bright" and "Rainbow Light" versions of the first print; so you can ingest only the amount of color-calories you'd like. 
The second variation has more of a nautical flavor, for all of you scalawags, sea-farers and even you beach-loving landlubbers. The "Wave Rainbow" print will soon have a lighter equivalent as well, and probably some more monochromatic versions... I'm thinking an aqua, coral, and gray, but what do you kids think?
Oh, and you might notice that I've put up some shiny new iPhone cases on Ye Olde Etsy-- those are available from my brand-spankin'-new society6 shop! You can take a gander at or just click the thingy over on my sidebar to get there. There is a TON of really cool stuff on society6, so if you have some time to kill, I'd recommend wandering around to see all of the incredible artists and designers who are peddling their wares. And right now, they're having running a free-shipping-artist-promotion-dingy, so click HERE for that goodness.
Ugh, so now that I've photobombed you with etsy commercials (saaaaahhhhhhrrryyyyy...) I'mma finish with a bit of attempted organization. I'm a HUGE listmaker, but my books of lists are many, and I find it really difficult to keep them straight and prioritize them. So fabulous husband suggested making some sort of board to keep me focused, and allow me to jump around from one project to the next in a slightly more sensical way. So, armed with a bulletin board and some index cards, I created...
The Master Plan. Color coded, sequenced by importance: lists and sub-lists and sub-sub-lists. It's like my notebook exploded, and I love it. Now, will it function as I want it to? Jury is still out, friends. But isn't it lovely?

Oh, and, yeah, sorry about the blurring. I can't have everyone knowin' all my bid'ness, dude. There must be MYSTERIES.

Upcoming: Rule-Keeping, USPS Fail, Greeting Cards!


arajane said...

since before ingrid was born i've been looking for an alphabet print for her room and i had yet to find one that i loved. that is, until i saw this amazing slice of awesomeness! you can push your etsy wares on me any day, lauren!

Anonymous said...

Love your alphabet print, Lauren!

Also, love your organization - but, if I had that many notes of things to do staring me in the face, it might just make me hide under the covers for a few days :)

Anonymous said...

I like the letters, also your blog !

Melissa said...

I'm thinking teacher gifts! Bring on some notecards, too. I've got many more years of teacher gifts ahead of me. Might be perfect for above my rickety little bookshelf too. They are beautiful!

melissa said...

love love love the alphabet print! i'm currently decorating a space for baby numbero uno arriving in november and this will be perfect!

Chara Michele said...

That alphabet print is darling & would be so perfect for a kids room!